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Cylindrical equation:  (case of the tower) or , i.e.  (case of the funnel).
Cartesian parametrization:  (case of the tower).Première forme quadratique fondamentale : .
First fundamental quadratic form:  .
Second fundamental quadratic form:  .

In the case k = 1, cartesian parametrization the coordinate lines of which are the asymptotic lines (view opposite).

The tower with constant pressure is the surface of revolution obtained by rotating a logarithmic curve around its asymptote.
Its name comes from the fact that, if this surface is filled with a homogeneous material, then the pressure applied on any horizontal section by the upper part is constant.
Derivation of the equation:
The pressure at the altitude z is equal to ; assuming P constant and differentiating, we get the differential equation:
which immediately gives the result, with .
Remark: if we take the variation of g due to the altitude into account, , we get the surface , with , represented opposite.

Much as the first one has a straight line as asymptote, this one has an asymptote cylinder. Note that this tower, extended to infinity, would have an infinite mass, but finite weight...

See also Gabriel's horn.
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© Robert FERRÉOL  2017